Business Metrics Summary CBS Dashboard
Business Metrics Summary CBS Dashboard 2
Business Metrics Summary CBS Dashboard 3

Core Banking Innovations for Novillex Technologies

  • The customer onboarding experience was outdated and not responsive, leading to user frustration and drop-offs.
  • ⁠Banking executives needed a more efficient way to access key performance indicators (KPIs) for quicker decision-making.
  • ⁠Needed to integrate an investment management microservice into FinWiz CBS, ensuring seamless portfolio management and compliance without disrupting existing operations.
  • Customer Onboarding in Core Banking:
    Redesigned the customer onboarding experience with a modern UI and responsive screens.

  • CXO Dashboards:
    Developed a decision support system featuring a KPI tree to provide quick insights for banking executives.

  • Bank Investment Module:
    Created a microservice for investment management integrated within the FinWiz CBS.

  • UI-UX Improvement in CBS:
    Redesigned the UI for key CBS modules, enhancing usability for bank staff.

Technologies for all Novillex projects

Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, MS SQL, Angular.js